#Charles Duras
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asterial-wishes · 1 year ago
Hello and welcome to Asterial!
My name is Elysia (she/her), and I’m going to be your guide through the wonderful world of Asterial.
Let’s get you started with some of the basics!
What is Asterial?
Asterial is a side realm connected to the human realm, where all magical beings reside.
Your history textbooks won’t tell you this, but we used to share a realm! We split off from you humans after The Great War… now the barrier is blocked off via magic, so the average human can’t even see the entrances hiding around the world.
Asterial is actually a rather new development, only being about a hundred years old, so don’t worry, there’s not a lot of major history to catch you up on!
Who am I?
You know my name, but let me tell you a little more about me!
Once again, my name is Elysia, I go by she/her pronouns. I’m a nature fairy (not a fae, that is a different species entirely!). I have two familiars, both being cats—Jazzmin (who is a brown and white main coon) and Gizmo (I have no idea what she is other than grey).
I live in the outskirts of the Celestial Pine forest, near one of the major Asterial cities. I’m not all that social, but I do occasionally visit the city for shopping purposes… I suppose.
I’m actually a deity’s aid, too! I work for Time Itself. My job is to share the unspoken truths. Believe me, you’ll never see me lie! I physically can’t. At least, not well…
Blog Rules
So with those introductions out of the way, allow me to set some ground rules for any wanderers who pass through here. I’ll keep it simple!
Show kindness! We all exist in this world together, divided by a barrier or not. I’m a person, you’re a person… be nice to each other!
No discrimination. Going off the above rule, I don’t wanna see any homophobia, transphobia, racism, ableism, nothing of the sort.
Keep NSFW on the low. I just don’t generally like talking about it, but I’m not gonna smite you or anything lol
That’s it! Literally pls just be nice
Asks are totally welcomed! Ask questions, talk to me about whatever… that’s what I’m here for!
Important Links and Tags
I promise all of these links are safe! They all go to other Tumblr posts.
People of Note (Masterlist) (WIP)
History Lessons (Masterlist) (WIP)
More to come! New blog and all.
Now for tags!
#Elysia’s Asterial — General tag!
#Elysia speaks — Textposts, for when I answer questions, whatever else.
#Ask Elysia — Specifically for any asks you all send me!
#reblog time — For reblogs <3
#Asterial History — Mwahahaha you can’t escape history class /j
#Asterial Art — I do a lot of drawings to convey thoughts, you’ll find those here!
#Asterial Biology — For when I talk about specific species!
#Charles Duras — This guy runs Perzion City. Believe me, there’s A LOT to talk about with him.
Phew! I think that’s everything? Thanks for joining me!
You can also find me on @elysia-nsimp!
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elysia-nsimp · 7 months ago
Charles Duras what say you
Charles Duras says:
“Kraft mac n cheese is the proof that the gods abandoned us.”
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yorgunherakles · 3 months ago
kitabın vardı ara verip okuduğun henüz bitiremediğin, ne yazık ki bitiremeyeceksin de. ona devam ediyorum.. senin yerine okuyacağım.
jean louis fournier - widow
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alparslan0 · 3 months ago
Fear breeds hatred, hatred breeds boredom, boredom breeds liberation, and liberation breeds anger. Anger is the beginning of chaos.
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rwpohl · 7 months ago
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india song, marguerite duras 1975
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princessmacabre · 1 year ago
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moodboard. the lovers ~ in the mood for love ❤️🥀
a small celebration of french literature, Duras & Baudelaire…
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damnelves · 8 months ago
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Aeschylus, The Oresteia / Disco Elysium / Introduction to her translation of the Iliad by Emily Wilson / The Three Fates (detail), painting by Alexander Rothaug / Lives of the Saints by Charles Wright / The Lover by Marguerite Duras / / 6 ways to draw a circle by tumblr user filmnoirsbian / The Sweater by Gregory Orr / DOOMED TO REPEAT by Johnny Dombrowski / Revenge of the Sith (novelization) by Matthew Stover / "Goner" Google Result / Lake Mungo, dir. Joel Anderson / "Scriptum" from the Red Thread Series by Rima Day / War of the Foxes by Richard Siken / Prophetic perfect tense, Wikipedia / Text post by tumblr user monstermoviedean / October by Louise GlĂĽck / Planet of Love by Richard Siken / State of Siege by Mahmoud Darwish / Cycle of Doom, source unknown / Supernatural S05E04, The End / Road to Hell, Hadestown / Watchmen, Alan Moore / Wolf in White Van by John Darnielle
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volevoimparareavolare · 1 year ago
Cara Sofia,
Sto amando un'altra donna e la sto amando con tutta quella serenità che tu non mi hai mai concesso, ora capisco che l'amore è questo,
mettere in fila giorni di felicitĂ  non per forza conquistata con continue lotte.
Lei è bellissima e coerente, la magia della coerenza è così stupefacente che non saprei descrivertela, a te quest'incantesimo
non è mai riuscito.
Sto bene, lei ha preso in mano la mia vita e la mia testa e ha fatto combaciare ogni cosa, ha dato un senso e un ordine alla mia casa, è stata il posto in cui mi sono salvato.
Ci sono giorni di sole e tutti mi dicono che sono una persona nuova e anche io mi sento come se potessi mangiare le nuvole.
Esco prima dal lavoro perché a volte mi manca troppo e ho bisogno di vederla, ci vediamo
tutti i giorni ma solo quando sono con lei non penso a niente e credo di poter salvare il mondo quindi capiscimi perché ogni volta corro per abbracciarla il prima possibile.
Non ti amo più e non mi ami più ma quando ci incontriamo io lo vedo come mi guardi e posso anche vedere come io guardo te, io Sofia non ti amo più ma resti l'amore della mia vita, esiste un solo amore della vita e noi l’abbiamo conosciuto, amato e poi abbiamo smesso di sentirne la mancanza ma tu resti l'amore della mia vita, è difficile farlo capire agli altri ma io mi smonto quando ti vedo, cambio occhi e cuore, ritorno vecchio, dura solo un attimo perché io, e neppure tu, possiamo più permetterci noi, però quell'attimo c'è sempre, come quando ti chiamo al telefono per sapere come stai, quell'attimo c'è sempre perché tu
sei l'amore della mia vita, l'incoerenza, le lotte, le ostinazioni io con te e per te tutto questo lo potevo sopportare.
Se devo descrivere l’amore io parlo di lei ma se mai mi chiedessero di qualcosa che va oltre
l'amore io parlerei di te perché tu resisti nonostante io abbia smesso
di amarti molto tempo fa.
- Charles Bukowski
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stobeneanchesetuttovamale · 1 year ago
“Cara Sofia, sto amando un’altra donna e la sto amando con tutta quella serenità che tu non mi hai mai concesso, ora capisco che l’amore è questo, mettere in fila giorni di felicità non per forza conquistata con continue lotte. Lei è bellissima e coerente, la magia della coerenza è così stupefacente che non saprei descrivertela, a te quest’incantesimo non è mai riuscito. Sto bene, lei ha preso in mano la mia vita e la mia testa e ha fatto combaciare ogni cosa, ha dato un senso e un ordine alla mia casa, è stata il posto in cui mi sono salvato. Ci sono giorni di sole e tutti mi dicono che sono una persona nuova e anche io mi sento come se potessi mangiare le nuvole. Esco prima dal lavoro perché a volte mi manca troppo e ho bisogno di vederla, ci vediamo tutti i giorni ma solo quando sono con lei non penso a niente e credo di poter salvare il mondo quindi capiscimi perché ogni volta corro per abbracciarla il prima possibile. Non ti amo più e non mi ami più ma io ti scrivo perché quando ci incontriamo io lo vedo come mi guardi e posso anche vedere come io guardo te, io Sofia non ti amo più ma tu resti l’amore della mia vita, esiste un solo amore della vita e noi lo abbiamo conosciuto, amato e poi abbiamo smesso di sentirne la mancanza ma tu resti l’amore della mia vita, è difficile farlo capire agli altri ma io mi smonto quando ti vedo, cambio occhi e cuore, ritorno vecchio, dura solo un attimo perché io, e neppure tu, possiamo più permetterci noi, però quell’attimo c’è sempre, come quando ti chiamo al telefono per sapere come stai, quell’attimo c’è sempre perché tu sei l’amore della mia vita, l’incoerenza, le lotte, le ostinazioni io con te e per te tutto questo lo potevo sopportare. Se devo descrivere l’amore io parlo di lei ma se mai mi chiedessero di qualcosa che va oltre l’amore io parlerei di te perché tu resisti nonostante io abbia smesso di amarti molto tempo fa.”
Charles Bukowski
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laurelwen · 1 year ago
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Monstrous Love - a Like Minds Valentine's Day Web Weave
[Like Minds Aesthetic Masterpost]
Card 1 - Enemy: Pierre Corneille - The Cid // Hélène Cixous - “The Perjured City” // Charles Baudelaire - Les Fleurs du Mal // Louise Glück - Timor Mortis // Khalil Gibran - The Forerunner Photo 1: Agustín Gómez Arcos - The Carnivorous Lamb Card 2 - Love: Leigh Bardugo - Rule of Wolves // Marie Howe - The Addiction // William Golding - The Lord of the Flies // Micah Nemerever - These Violent Delights // Crimson Peak Photo 2: Steve Kowit - Eurydice Card 3 - Violence: Elaine Kahn - Romance // unknown // Frank Iero And The Future Violents - Violence // Schuyler Peck - Horoscope for the heartbroken // Madeline Miller - Circe Photo 3: tr. Andrew Miller - Paulos // Anne Sexton - The Papa and Mama Dance Card 4 - God: Emery Allen - Holy Things in This World // George Seferis - Stratis the Sailor among the Agapathi // Andrew Joseph White - Hell Followed With Us // Rilke - // Charles Wright - Clear Night // Saniyya Saleh - A Million Women Are Your Mother Photo 4: Tumblr user normal-horoscopes Card 5 - Heart: Blythe Baird - If My Body Could Speak // Natalie Diaz - Wolf OR-7 // Richard Siken - Dirty Valentine // Benjamin Alire Sáenz, Aristotle and Dante Dive into the Waters of the World Photo 5: Mary Shelley - Frankenstein Card 6 - Monster: Fortesa Latifi - ? // Maguerite Duras - ? // Natalie Diaz - Postcolonial Love Poem // Ocean Vuong - On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous // Rumi Photo 6: Victoria Chang - Obit // Florence + the Machine – I'm Not Calling You a Liar Card 7 - Devotion: Margaret Atwood - Hesitations Outside the Door // Robert Louis Stevenson - Olalla // unknown // Madeline Miller - Song of Achilles // Leah Horlick - For Your Own Good
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asterial-wishes · 6 months ago
Is Charles duras kissable
I don’t work for him, I wouldn’t know
Probably not though he kind of seems like he hates everyone
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elysia-nsimp · 1 year ago
OC Intro: Charles Duras (Asterial)
Welcome to my fantasy universe!
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Charles Duras (he/him) is the head CEO of Duras Corp, a family-run transportation business found in Perzion City that has existed since long before The Great War. Currently, he’s the only Duras still alive… though his age is… undisclosed.
Being an Archangel (otherwise known as a royal angel), his halo and wings are a lot larger than the average angel’s are. His halo has spires that regular halos do not have, making it a deadly weapon, even among angel halos.
Mr. Duras is rarely actually seen by the public, but those who have seen him personally say he has an intimidating presence, standing at 6’2 (188 cm) with about a 12 foot wingspan. He always dawns a very neutral expression, so he’s also difficult to read to most.
Duras is one of the villains of Asterial, though he remains my favourite Asterial character. Corrupt CEO 💔💔💔 he can be fixed maybe
Hobbies, Talents, Preferences
To most, it seems as though Duras’s only real hobbies are in relation to his job as CEO. His personal life is kept under tight wraps, so anything beyond his business persona is basically invisible to the public. That being said, he’s fantastic at business and math. He’s also good at blueprinting construction work, though he’s never doing any of the actual work on sites… still, he has great understanding of how construction goes.
What the public doesn’t see, though, is that Charles is also musically inclined. He’s never considered himself a very artsy person, but he does listen to music often and is learning how to play the piano. If you’re lucky, you might catch him singing, to which rumour has it, he has a beautiful voice, even among angels.
Charles is extremely good at navigating through social situations, as much as he doesn’t like them. He usually comes off as a little stand-offish and intimidating though, just given his tone and body language. Still, he’s polite if you’re polite to him.
He seems to have a major issue with a category of species in Asterial known as “void beings,” though. Void beings simply refers to any individual who’s comprised of mostly void, a sticky, tar-like substance. This includes angeloids, imps, and inklings. He seems to especially dislike angeloids, who often disguise themselves as angels despite not being even closely related to them. Media outlets have decided to make this a HUGE thing, since void beings are a minority in Asterial.
POV Charles doesn’t hate them he’s just afraid of them and doesn’t like void as a substance despite the fact that void is an excellent building material
Though, Charles is a fan of fine wines and fancy restaurants! He’s got the money for them too. He also seems fond of most birds, sometimes being seen speaking to the birds in his manor gardens.
CW for this section: Domestic abuse, alcoholism, death x2
Charles grew up a VERY long time ago, being an only child to Evaline and Benjamin Duras. Throughout early childhood, his father wasn’t really present, as he was off taking care of the company. The few times they did interact, it mostly consisted of his father berating him for… well, acting like a child. Any bonding time with his father was spent being taught how to one day run Duras Corp., rather than getting to actually know each other.
His mother, on the other hand, was a wonderful woman. Evaline loved her son soooo much. She was a musician, and played the harp and piano. She wrote songs for Charles and sung him lullabies to sleep. Charles often snuck out of bed just to listen to her play during the night. The two were closer than close… though, Charles never really told her about the stuff Benjamin told him. Still, she somehow always knew.
As Charles grew older, he started mimicking his father more and more, thinking that since he looked up to his father and would one day take his place, he should learn to act like him too. Because of this, he didn’t really have a lasting childhood, and the one he did have was lacking and frankly confusing and scary.
Things took a serious turn for the worse during Charles’s teenage years, as his parents started having marital issues and often argued over how the other was raising Charles. He ended up staying awake late into the evenings, listening in on their disagreements over him. Benjamin wanted him to grow up to be a leader, and that’s what he was teaching him, but Evaline believed he was too harsh on their son and he deserved more time to live before working.
Some evenings, after the yelling died down, Charles would go check on his mother. Sometimes she was just disheveled, but sometimes she had noticeable bruises. She always denied anything bad happening and would walk her son back to bed. Still, Charles was always worried sick, but didn’t know what to do about it. He couldn’t stand up to his father, and he could easily buy his way out of anything with the money he had, so Charles just tried to support his mother as much as he could.
Much like Charles is today, Benjamin was a drinker. Unfortunately, Benny boy here had a SERIOUS alcoholism issue, whereas Charles just like… enjoys it on the weekends. Arguments with Evaline got worse on nights benben (I hate him so much I can’t even continue to write his actual name without being filled with rage pls forgive me) was drinking. It got REAL bad one evening, though, when Charles was maybe 19? He didn’t hear his mother come out of her room like she usually did. Being super worried, he went to go knock after his father left the area. After no response, he let himself in.
He was horrified to see his mother dead on the floor.
It turns out, things got SO bad that 🤢…Benjamin…🤢 hit Evaline with a vase and killed her almost instantly. Charles was mortified, but was absolutely paralyzed in grief that it took until a staff member came to check on him before any police could be contacted. At her funeral, Charles couldn’t even look at his father during his speech, knowing it was all bullshit. Benjamin never got jail time, or even severe consequence for what he did.
After the death of his mother, Charles spiraled into deep depression. His father’s anger was more directed towards him now, so he started wearing as much to cover his skin as he could so press wouldn’t question him too hard. He tried his best to stay away from his father after that.
Several years later, when Charles was about 24, he and his father were out for some important conference, when suddenly Benjamin was shot in the side of the head. To everyone else around them, it seemed as though the singular shot was enough to kill him and somehow whither him beyond his years, but Charles knows what happened. He refused to say anything at his father’s funeral.
After that, Charles took over the company and all of the inheritance from both of his late parents. He grew cold and distant from everyone and everything, and threw himself into his work to try to forget and move on. This has been going on… pretty much since. He still hides all of his mirrors, afraid he’ll just see his father staring back at him. People always said they looked alike.
Magical Prowess
Charles’s specific powerset is classified under “weather magic,” which is a relatively common angel-specific magic type. His wings darken when he’s upset, thunder when he’s angry, and rain when he’s sad, but really only when he lets them. It’s like how you can hold back tears.
He can also do things like summon lightning and manipulate clouds, as well as a variety of other known magic skills. One would assume he has a rather standard magic set… odd for someone so powerful.
Angel’s halos are sharp and are often used as throwing weapons. Charles especially, given his status as a royal angel, has an exceptionally dangerous halo. It’s large, sharp enough to slice through bone, and covered in large spikes. Not something you want pointed at you.
The real kicker, though, is his family’s secret. You see, when he was little, Benjamin taught Charles a magic set far beyond what other individuals would be capable of. It’s incredibly dangerous (AND ILLEGAL) magic, only prohibited for masters of the art of magic to wield. Still, he knows it and is frighteningly good at using it however he pleases. What is it, you ask?
Soul manipulation. The removal, transportation, and manipulation of the very matter that keeps us alive. It’s the kind of magic that could kill someone with as much as a flick of the wrist. This is the only magic Charles particularly opts to use, though he keeps the fact that he has this magic under lock and key.
How has he been alive so long that no one remembers his age, you may ask? His father had been collecting the souls of others for years, and had several hundred years of extra lives saved up when he died… he would have come back, had Charles not have stolen them in his father’s singular moment of vulnerability. Now, that lifeforce belongs to Charles. Perfect, considering he fears death above all else. How can you kill someone who is practically immortal?
As stated previously, Charles has… a complicated familial relationship.
He loves his mother dearly, and still mourns her untimely death often. He started playing music in his free time as a way to honour the things she taught him.
His father, on the other hand… he hates his father, yet he’s still stuck in the ways forced upon him. He sees his father when he looks in the mirror, and he hates it. He once looked up to his father, but all of that changed.
Staff members
The Duras family has a lot of staff—butlers and maids, seamstresses, chefs, bodyguards…
Charles cares about everyone who works for him directly, considering them the closest he has to friends and family.
Sebastian (head butler) and Aubrey (head bodyguard) are his closest friends, actually. He trusts the two of them with just about everything. They’re the only two who know his full story.
Other Works
General Playlist
(There’s more but they’re AUs I haven’t touched on yet Teehee)
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yorgunherakles · 6 months ago
birine bağlanıldığı sanılır: halbuki, kendi herhan­gi bir düşüncene, bir özgürlük ya da beklenmedik bir olayın görüntüsüne, seraplara bağlısındır.
simone de beauvoir - love letters
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alparslan0 · 4 months ago
a person constantly looked for love but every time he found love, love was lost maybe love was the name of separation, not reunion but the person did not know that
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rwpohl · 7 months ago
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india song, marguerite duras 1975
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sinfonia-relativa · 10 months ago
“Seguir bebiendo, seguir viviendo, seguir existiendo en este mundo loco con sus fugaces momentos de belleza y su incesante trabajo pesado. Porque al final, todo lo que tenemos somos nosotros mismos, nuestros vicios y la dura verdad que debemos afrontar solos”.
- Charles Bukowski.
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